Saturday, March 1, 2008

Mel had a Jane day!

Today I had a Jane day and Melton's population rose by seven dolls. It started this morning when I went to walk my dog. She hadn't had a good walk with me in several days since my fibromeyalgia was flaring. We took it slow and easy and went all the way downtown, 17 blocks. As we took the back streets, I didn't realize how far we had gone until I saw the square a block away. I needed a rest so I went to the square where there are benches. While I was resting, I remembered seeing a couple of dolls that I wanted to buy last December, but just didn't have the money. I thought I'd take a peek in Family Dollar, and they were still there. This is the skateboarding Flava Tre whom I didn't have I have 2 others but not him. I also got Beach Glam Nikki who doesn't have the huge feet. $11 for both.

Later, I needed to go pay the gas bill and when I was finished, I realized it was lunch time. A few miles down the road is a little town called Savoy which has the best honest-to-god smokehouse Bar B Que in Texas or possibly the known universe, so Tom and I decided to get some. As fate would have it, there was a yard sale going on in town and we were looking for a small table to put my new printer on because it is too big to fit on the shelf where I have the old one. I saw an old typing table which will be just right. On the table next to it were 3 badly damaged doll boxes. The boxes had some water damage, but the dolls in them are all perfect! I have Autumn Glory Barbie, The Barbie Loves Frank Sinatra set, and the Grand Ole Opry Barbie and Kenny Country Duet set. All were NRFB, but the boxes were crumbling. Possibly from tremite damage! I got all of them for $15!!!! Is Mel a happy camper??? Heck yeh!

1 comment:

JFMDolton said...

LOL Good to know that I influence you guys in bad shopping habits!
Holy shit Mel you got some deal! That's over $300 worth of dolls there. I am soooooooooooooooooo envious of you getting Morning Glory. I have always wanted her. I bet there will be a lot of partying in Melton South tonight eh! Congrats on your haul!