Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today's pictures are of the new TuMani residents. The first (if they load right) is of Meg's new girl. She and the next two posted are from a series of four that are new from Jaks Pacific. They are a little shorter than the regular Bratz dolls (about a head shorter) They are twenty dollars and we found them at our local Super Target and also at Toys R Us. The regular Target doesn't carry them yet and I haven't been to Walmart in quite a while. They have extra hair extensions that clip in and have lots of bending joints. They bend at the wrists, elbows, waists, knees and ankles. We haven't bought the blonde---so far she hasn't called to us. The next doll is a Bratz witch doll. She is from a series of three costume dolls. There is a princess, a pirate and a witch. The witch comes with a little black cat. They are about ten dollars . The last picture is of the latest Barbie prince. He came with a cardboard guitar and when I first saw him I thought he was a young Elvis. SO in TuMani he is Elvis' twin brother--Aaron. I also gave in and bought a Hannah Montana doll . She is in her pjs and is brunette. She doesn't look stupid like the blondes and has lots of hair. Her name is Donna and she is sister to Marie Osmond (you say you didn't know she had a sister--she has at least two--the other one being one of the early Snow White dolls. They have had some words as to which is the most famous. I finally bought the Oliver doll and his name is Jimmy and he is a brother to Donnie Osmond. Donnie took his shirt away from him as soon as I got him out of the box and Jimmy went straight to the beach. I have looked at the Cheetah girl dolls and I can't help if they are on sale--they are still homely. I am glad I got the Raven doll while she was still available---you know they got rid of her because she was a little "womanly" in size . So TuMani is once again growing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Well I am sure that no one is surprised that State Farm Insurance wants to total my car :( They have offered me twenty five hundred dollars for it ---and I am supposed to be jumping with joy with all that money and run right out and get another car---not so fast---I don't think so. I have already done some research and if I could find the exact same car on a car lot with the same number of miles it would cost me thirty three hundred dollars and that is without all the taxes and I would be buying a pig in a poke. At least I know what I have and if I have to trade cars in a year or so I will still have one to trade in. It was only three weeks ago we had that new fan assembly put on the car for almost three hundred dollars (not paid for yet) and about a month before that we had a new tire put on for about a hundred dollars not to mention I just had the car tags renewed for fifty dollars so I would still be in a hole. I knew I would get screwed no matter what happened with no matter what insurance company---I have been screwed by Met and by Geico (more than once---kill the lizard) Several years ago Jaime was driving a little Horizon and got hit in the drivers side and Met totaled the car---saw the car about a month later ---they had replaced the door and it was fine. We know for a fact it was our car because Jaime had painted the cartoon Beatles on the rear of the trunk or hatch. I told the girl at State Farm I would have to get back to her and I am just going to let them wait until Jaime's doctor bill comes in cause surely they need to pay that and the service that handles the bills only bills one a month and she went in right after billing. The girl asked me if there was a lien on the car and I told her "no" it belonged to me. I know how that worked she thought they could buy it out from under me. I guess I will talk to the body shop a little later and see what it would cost to pull the wrinkle out of the back end so the trunk lid will fit and then go from there. Our weather has been nice for the past couple of days--not so hot and humid and we are supposed to get some rain tomorrow and Thursdays maybe. I need to do a little weed whacking around the walkways but the regular grass is brown and crunchy right now. I guess that is a good thing since I am still sore from all that jolting from the wreck. Jaime is now out of her neck brace for the most part and no longer taking the muscle relaxers---but she does have them in case she needs them. I did find another doll house at Goodwill last week that is like one I have and I put them together to make one large house. I have posted a picture of the upstairs. Maybe I can get a better picture later.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today's picture is of the Chevy Malibu that hit us in the rear on Monday morning. Her car was totaled---both air bags deployed also. She had just bought the car---I stopped at the light and she stopped---after she hit me and knocked me a car length. Finally got a copy of the accident report late yesterday afternoon and called her insurance company this morning---they say they are going to fix my car and pay for Jaime's medical bills and supply a rental car while my car is in the shop. Jaime didn't immediately feel the whiplash---it took almost twenty four hours for it to show up. She has a neck brace and muscle relaxers for now. I did feel sorry for the little girl that hit us--probably her first car and her first accident--but if you are going to have a couple of tons of metal pointing it at people you must be careful and watch what you are doing. Her dad looked really pssd when he showed up. Her dad owns a plumbing company in Franklin and all the drivers of his trucks drive like idiots---wonder if one of them taught his daughter to drive. Gary went back to the doctor yesterday and is doing well---he doesn't have to go back until February and we are finally getting rid of that oxygen albatross . Gary did take the car in to have the socket over the license plate replaced this morning---I will probably have to absorb that cost (thirty dollars) but if that is all I am out when this mess is over I will be happy. I wouldn't have glued the bumper back and sealed the tail light cover that she broke except I would have lost the bumper and if water gets into the tail light it will short out the light (I would get a ticket for a tail light being out no matter the reason) and you have to have that light over the license plate or you get a ticket for that (no matter the reason) In other news I have seen the Target Halloween Barbie---she is sort of cute this year as she has two toned hair and is wearing black and pink--don't know whether she will come to TuMani or not .

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Almost never found where the make new post was hiding------Here is Rocking Santa that came to TuMani from Goodwill this past week. He was four dollars---his adapter had never been unsnapped from the box. He is a little big for the Barbies and their friends but I think the big little girl dolls will be glad to see him come December. If any one is wondering about the weather in Tennessee --it is hot and humid with the heat index this past week being 104----I talked to my girlfriend--Susie's husband this morning---they live in Alabama and they are having the same type heat and humidity. I tried to trim some of the cedar limbs that were dragging on the car this past week and last week I tried to cut down some of the wisteria that is taking over the house----it is as bad as kudzu---if I don't get it before long I think it may eat the whole house. There is a next of black wasps that live in it and one of them wasn't happy about the cutting and he stung me--that was almost two weeks ago and I have been sick at my tummy ever since. Jaime got a stinger out and a lot of infection is still coming out---there is a whole in my chin--just under the jawbone--that looks sort of like when you get bitten by a brown recluse spider. I have almost every fan in the house running along with the window air conditioners----we have a central air conditioner but its been dead for years and even when it worked it only ran up the electric bill without cooling the house. I thought I might go up the Crossings today but it will either have to be after the sun goes down or the next day it rains. Yes the residents up there are mad at me---but I did go up and hang some party lanterns a couple weeks ago
