Saturday, August 2, 2008

Almost never found where the make new post was hiding------Here is Rocking Santa that came to TuMani from Goodwill this past week. He was four dollars---his adapter had never been unsnapped from the box. He is a little big for the Barbies and their friends but I think the big little girl dolls will be glad to see him come December. If any one is wondering about the weather in Tennessee --it is hot and humid with the heat index this past week being 104----I talked to my girlfriend--Susie's husband this morning---they live in Alabama and they are having the same type heat and humidity. I tried to trim some of the cedar limbs that were dragging on the car this past week and last week I tried to cut down some of the wisteria that is taking over the house----it is as bad as kudzu---if I don't get it before long I think it may eat the whole house. There is a next of black wasps that live in it and one of them wasn't happy about the cutting and he stung me--that was almost two weeks ago and I have been sick at my tummy ever since. Jaime got a stinger out and a lot of infection is still coming out---there is a whole in my chin--just under the jawbone--that looks sort of like when you get bitten by a brown recluse spider. I have almost every fan in the house running along with the window air conditioners----we have a central air conditioner but its been dead for years and even when it worked it only ran up the electric bill without cooling the house. I thought I might go up the Crossings today but it will either have to be after the sun goes down or the next day it rains. Yes the residents up there are mad at me---but I did go up and hang some party lanterns a couple weeks ago


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