Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today's picture is of the Chevy Malibu that hit us in the rear on Monday morning. Her car was totaled---both air bags deployed also. She had just bought the car---I stopped at the light and she stopped---after she hit me and knocked me a car length. Finally got a copy of the accident report late yesterday afternoon and called her insurance company this morning---they say they are going to fix my car and pay for Jaime's medical bills and supply a rental car while my car is in the shop. Jaime didn't immediately feel the whiplash---it took almost twenty four hours for it to show up. She has a neck brace and muscle relaxers for now. I did feel sorry for the little girl that hit us--probably her first car and her first accident--but if you are going to have a couple of tons of metal pointing it at people you must be careful and watch what you are doing. Her dad looked really pssd when he showed up. Her dad owns a plumbing company in Franklin and all the drivers of his trucks drive like idiots---wonder if one of them taught his daughter to drive. Gary went back to the doctor yesterday and is doing well---he doesn't have to go back until February and we are finally getting rid of that oxygen albatross . Gary did take the car in to have the socket over the license plate replaced this morning---I will probably have to absorb that cost (thirty dollars) but if that is all I am out when this mess is over I will be happy. I wouldn't have glued the bumper back and sealed the tail light cover that she broke except I would have lost the bumper and if water gets into the tail light it will short out the light (I would get a ticket for a tail light being out no matter the reason) and you have to have that light over the license plate or you get a ticket for that (no matter the reason) In other news I have seen the Target Halloween Barbie---she is sort of cute this year as she has two toned hair and is wearing black and pink--don't know whether she will come to TuMani or not .

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