Monday, December 31, 2007

The Steel Brothers Have Found Romance in Melton East

A week or so before I rescued the AFs from an untimely trip to the land fill, I found miss Lili Caron (far left) at the local Goodwill. She had a ton of Hula type hair that was nasty! As she was only 69 cents, I had to rescue her. I removed the worst of the hair which was full of rubberband melt and gave her a boil wave. She and Maximilliam hit it off right away. Not to be outdone by big brother, Maxim set his sights on Darla Baker, an amiable young blond who arrived in Melton shephearding a pair of young orphan girls. The 3 of them were from a charity thrift store and had been consigned to a box, unwanted by the Bratz-loving girls who freaquented the shop. They are Stella (10" Skipper, ) and Rowena ( Kelly sized doll in a molded riding outfit.) They are awaiting The migration of Meltom proper to find families. I will post a picture of them next.


JFMDolton said...

It's nice that your new residents have found Love Mel.
BTW you can post more than one picture per post.

Mel said...

I couldn't figure out how, sigh.

JFMDolton said...

Above the browse button it says, in blue, add another image. Click on that and it gives you more browse buttons. You can upload up to 5 pix depending on their size.
Typing beside the pix is a little tricky as you have to play around to get the writing in the right places. Clicking on preview helps.

Mel said...

Next time I'll know.