Monday, April 7, 2008

TuMani news

Well we almost washed away from all the rain last week and we are really looking forward for three or four more days of rain later this week. We have one stupid leak in the roof---over the years we have stopped it and it has started back several times. I have worked on the roof three days this past week when it wasn't raining and need to go back up at least one more time---probably tomorrow. For some strange reason at the very edge of the roof there is just enough of a rise for water to run under the shingles. I bought some flashing and some wet patch and made a hang over-- I put some wet patch on yesterday but need to go back and finish the job but there was only so much sun my eyes could take off that roof yesterday . I also noticed our grass has started growing like a fiend and I guess I need to get fresh gasoline and see if I can get the mowers started---oh boy, what fun.
Gary is doing well according to the doctors but he won't get off his butt on the days he is home and walk or do anything---I am considering removing the TV from the living room completely. Both his heart doctor and his regular doctor told him to move but the only moving he does is from the couch to the bathroom and back. I will admit I have gotten a little mean lately at least he thinks I am mean----I make him take up his own ice (none of the rest of us use ice), make him put his dirty underwear in the dirty clothes basket and make him put his plate in the sink after he gets through eating. Aren't I horrible?
I have a little sewing to do for Meg as she and Jaime are going to the anime convention in Nashville in a little over two weeks. It's the last weekend in this month. Thank goodness most of Meg's costume we found at Goodwill and I only have to make a vest and trim it to complete her outfit. Once I get through with that I hope to make my larger girl olls some new clothes as they are wanting to burn the ones they are wearing.
When I was out and about Saturday and again this morning I found some new residents for TuMani---the boy Bratz "kids" They are about the height of the older Stacey and Todd dolls and since they were on clearance I was able to get all four. TuMani always needs males. I will try to take their pictures later.

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