Thursday, September 27, 2007

Deboxing - I got to play!! :)

The last couple of days I've had very little sleep...Shannon and Scott signed up for a paper route for some extra income and Bree and Chris have been relieving them on the weekends since it's a 365 day gig and they have day jobs as well. Anyhoo Chris is out of town so Bree and I did the route on Sunday and Monday...which means I had about 4 hours sleep for every 24 the last few days. Yesterday I was so overtired I really needed to play before I could go to bed. So I decided to finally debox my Lingerie #1 and #2 Silkstone Models. I also redressed all the models into their original lingerie and put in Suite Retreat's earrings.

Here are some of the before and after pix, along with my wardrobe, which was an American Girl item purchased on clearance that I customized. Sorry it's a bit blurry, and I can't seem to get the photos in the right order and need to get with Jane on how she does that! :)
Anyone keeping up with the new TV season? So far we watched Cane and Journeyman, Two and a Half Men and the new Desperate Housewives was a ripoff. We have the new HOUSE on dvr to watch this evening, and a few others. Oh! And tonight is the results show for Dancing With The Stars!!! Yay! I just love that show!!
See y'all later, I have an idea for a scene I'd like to set up if I can pull it off without the cats messing it up! LOL

Monday, September 24, 2007

New Member and New Dollies

Don't delete me! This is Jaime, Yvonne's oldest daughter. She let me use her invite to join here too. :) I thought I'd share a couple of pics of dollies that came home with us from Anime Weekend Atlanta this year.

(I'd like to point out that every year I've gone to AWA, I always end up bringing dollies back home. I dunno, it just happens.)

I bought my very first Japanese Pullip doll this weekend. Ah, she's adorable! She's about 5 or 6 inches tall and is reminiscent of Blythe dolls, except without the creepy moving eyeball factor. Pullips are made by Jun Planning...and that's about all I know. I don't know her proper Japanese name (couldn't read the box, sorry), but since she was adopted over the first day of fall, her name is Autumn.

(Apologies for blurry pics. The flash on my Polaroid digicam died and my cellphone was the next best thing handy. I'll get better pictures later. Also...I'm still learning this Blogger thing.)

The next dolli--er, action figure that I found was Spike Spiegel from the show "Cowboy Bebop". (It's a great show, I should add. I've loved it a long time.) I got such a deal on Spike that I asked the seller if the price on his box was right. Maybe that decimal was in the wrong place? Nope, that was the definite price. I was SO happy!

Spike is made by Medicom, which makes some of the BEST action figures I've ever seen. Great detail, great articulation, the finished products always look like the prototypes--SO NICE.

I've got some neat little miniature toys to share later, plus another dollie we got at Atlanta, but I have to take pics first. Hopefully, they'll be better than the cell phone ones. :D

Friday, September 21, 2007


Well today I finally went to Samko. Man it is just too close to me LOL
Anyway the place is much bigger than before and excellent parking facilities too. Downtown Toronto was a royal pain in the butt for that!
I didn't buy a whole lot since the Mattel stuff was mediocore (sp) but that is mattel's fault not Samko's. Still the Legola Kens were only $10 so of course I bought one . I was thinking of buying a whole bunch at price and selling them on ebay. What do you think?
They had a ton of Kelly's, which I bought for Anita in Sweden, since she collects them. And a few Tommy's, which even I had to have for myself LOL
The doll clothing was on sale, although again not a lot to chose from. I also picked up this neat new version of McDonald's to put in Lofton.
I will not doubt go back again to see if the stock has changed any. But most of the stuff was for little kids and babies. That seems to be the trend everywhere today. Oh well those babies will eventually grow up and become kids and once again the toy manufacturers will have to supply them with "our" kinds of toys eh!
Oh and one more thing, Samko is going to open in May and June, so I am definately looking forward to that!

Mattel Also our Loonie now at Par with U.S. $

Check this out...
great for me to go shopping LOL

Speaking of shopping I went to Samko today...... new post coming soon!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pencil Sharpeners

On the old forum/blog Max wanted a typewriter to go with her new Secretarial Silkie. Here I am posting two pix of pencil sharpeners that are made from cast iron in the shape of both a Remington replica Typewriter and an old style computer. I got these at a flea market (brand new still in the box but I think you can probably find them at various dollar stores. I also have a photocopier and several other office equipment pieces. I will have to dig them out and put them in a scene eh!

Another Day - 2 more ponchos

Both these ponchos have the same amount of stitches and are exactly the same. Only difference in the size is the thickness of the wool. Can you see the pink specks in the white poncho?

It's another lovely summer like day here.

Today for the first time in over 30 years our dollar is at par with the U.S. Good for cross border shopping. Bad for our economy. I have a ton of stuff on ebay that I am bidding on, so am taking advantage of this equality as much as I can.

I gather Yvonne is well on her way to the convention by now and maybe almost there LOL Hope you are having fun Yvonne!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Crocheted Chair Part 3

Here's the chair finished with the trim all the way around. One thing I like about doing is it ties the arms in and keeps them from becoming floppy with use.

Here's two more ponchos I made, HD is wearing a matching hat. I started on a scarf too.

The green ponchos matches the silkie's blouse and shoes.

I'm not impressed with this picture, too much in it I guess so the camera didn't know what to focus on. Kinda like me at a toy show LOL
Anyway I just wanted to show the finished chair. Now I have to get back to the afghans, xmas is coming LOL
FYI there's a poll at the bottom of the page, please scroll down when you get a minute.
Thanks! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Crocheted Chair - Part 2

Okay here is the black and white chair that I posted on the yahoo blog. I have since added a white trim around the arms and the top of the chair. I probably should continue around the seat too eh!
What do you think?
Hmmm no polls, I liked doing polls.

Ugh hot!

Our A/C unit bit the dust today...well at least it waited until the end of the summer eh?
The guy said the fan is out and maybe the compressor. I sure hope the landlord decides to replace it since it's over 20years old and probably doubles our electric bill every month.
Luckily it's only 87f and 61% humidity but still pretty miserable in here since there's no real breeze right now. We're just spoiled ;)

Back later I'm off to take my online exam for Lesson One of my Tarot course.
Wish me luck! :)

Crocheted Chairs

Here are a couple of chairs that I crocheted trim around. One with arms and one without. I really like the look when I do this.

And I love the fact that I can post two pix in my blog entries!

New Kitten

Here's a pic of a kitten that my friend Debbie (from Loblaws) got on the weekend. What a cutie!

Here we go - 2nd try LOL

Well it says the blogger saves your drafts automatically but that is not quite so, you have to physically hit the blue "save now" button LOL Okay so live and learn eh!

I tried insert a pic but because my security levels are so high on my computer I have to manually allow pop ups in order to add the pic and that lost my first post. Duh! I will have to change that I guess to always allows it for this site.

Anyway here is a few of my latest ponchos. I have about 2 dozen made so far. Some of them don't lie flat on the doll if I leave their hair under the poncho.

Instead of adding the fringe, my sister-in-law suggested I try this trim around the bottom. Hope you can see it.

Oh it did save it automatically. If you scroll down, then you click on the "return to list of posts" url and you find your "saved" drafts! Yippee!

Now if I only post the pic LOL
Oh cool, I like how this is done. So clear and easy to read and understand instructions too! But you must accept their posting agreement before it will upload the post.
I think I am going to like this site.

Monday, September 17, 2007

First try

Okay I didn't have to re-create my account this time---I just needed to put in my complete email address as the user and finally found the "dashboard" thingie to post. Getting ready for that trip to Atlanta--picked up some last minute stuff today while Meg was at Sylvan--had her day changed from Thursday to today so we wouldn't have a double whammy next week. Got the freezer defrosted and Jaime's hair colored---I did mine yesterday afternoon and will get Meg's tomorrow---don't want any black roots showing through our red hair. Still don't know if we will be going on ahead of cousin Heather or not---but my guess is yes---. Am hoping to do a little shopping in Atlanta---their Toys R Us has things that never make it to Tennessee. Okay enough chatter---lets see if this works or if I kick Jaime's computer---no I can't kick it cause the tower is up high and I no longer can get my foot that high :)

Barbie Cat

I came across this photo and couldn't resist sharing! :)
I'm off to bed see you all later today.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy Sunday Everyone!

There's not much to post today, I really just wanted to touch base with everyone and see if this updates the way I am hoping it will.
By now you have probably received the Google Group email, I took the liberty of setting the group up and adding you all so that the notifications will come through. Otherwise there was only room for one address. Also I THINK the whole post will come through, but you will still want to come here to the site to see photos and comment, and post your own entries.
There is a way to post a blog entry by email if you need to do that for any reason, but I don't have that set up yet...if you want it just let me know.
Jane, in response to your comment on your page the message you get from the group will let you know when someone posts or comments. Also our feeds on 360 should update.
Yvonne is having some problems logging anyone else having to recreate their Google account?
Max hasn't responded to the invitation but I added her to the group mail.
Marion if you have found us here I can add you to the Google group mail also.
That's all for now...would someone comment so we can see if we get the notification on that?

Don't forget the Emmy awards are on tonight! They're doing the red carpet stuff now, I just love seeing all the life-size "barbies" LOL

Laterz y'all,