Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another Day - 2 more ponchos

Both these ponchos have the same amount of stitches and are exactly the same. Only difference in the size is the thickness of the wool. Can you see the pink specks in the white poncho?

It's another lovely summer like day here.

Today for the first time in over 30 years our dollar is at par with the U.S. Good for cross border shopping. Bad for our economy. I have a ton of stuff on ebay that I am bidding on, so am taking advantage of this equality as much as I can.

I gather Yvonne is well on her way to the convention by now and maybe almost there LOL Hope you are having fun Yvonne!


Diane said...

The pink specks are barely visible in the enlarged version of the photos. Isn't she a birthstone doll?
I really like the colors in the poncho the Usherette is wearing, is that one of the Red Heart Super Saver varigated yarns?

JFMDolton said...

Yes that is the April Birthstone doll Diane, she came in a white gown. I bought her at a toy show last year.
Not sure what brand that other wool is. It's not as thick as the Red Heart brand. I only just found it in my stash a few days ago. I have as much wool as dolls LOL
The pink specks are really hard to see in the wool. Maybe it was a flaw. I think I bought that wool at the Value Village a couple of weeks ago! LOL