Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Kitten

Here's a pic of a kitten that my friend Debbie (from Loblaws) got on the weekend. What a cutie!


mahvn said...

Okay, Jane I see your post and the photo from the blog site. I am posting to you to see if you get an email notice.

And, yes, that is a darling little kitty! What did she name it?

JFMDolton said...

Oh good I am glad you saw it Marion. I think she called it Kamakazze. Maybe that was just a comment LOL

Diane said...

Ooooh that kitten is adorable! I just love calicos!

yvonne said...

That kitten is sooo cute---we love calicos in this house---we had two we lost (heart trouble at almost twenty and diabetes at almost sixteen) and we have two now Asuka (she has a checkerboard face and butt) and Cassie (who looks like she is wearing little white socks) The girl at PetsMart where we adopted them said some people don't like calicos because they have "attitude" she said they also had trouble adopting out torties for the same reason--hey give me a cat with attitude that way I know I "have" a cat.