Monday, September 17, 2007

First try

Okay I didn't have to re-create my account this time---I just needed to put in my complete email address as the user and finally found the "dashboard" thingie to post. Getting ready for that trip to Atlanta--picked up some last minute stuff today while Meg was at Sylvan--had her day changed from Thursday to today so we wouldn't have a double whammy next week. Got the freezer defrosted and Jaime's hair colored---I did mine yesterday afternoon and will get Meg's tomorrow---don't want any black roots showing through our red hair. Still don't know if we will be going on ahead of cousin Heather or not---but my guess is yes---. Am hoping to do a little shopping in Atlanta---their Toys R Us has things that never make it to Tennessee. Okay enough chatter---lets see if this works or if I kick Jaime's computer---no I can't kick it cause the tower is up high and I no longer can get my foot that high :)


JFMDolton said...

Okay Diane. I wanted to start a new blog comment for today but can't figure out how. I can reply to your blogs and can also send replies from my email. Help!

JFMDolton said...

Also I noticed that I am receiving comments from Marion via email but they are not showing up on the blog. I wonder if we all have to be authors for it to work.
I'm going to take Elly out for a blood test but will be home later.

Diane said...

Jane to create a new blog go to and sign in if you are not already. (Mine stays logged in for quite a while) This should bring up the "Dashboard" and all blogs you own or belong to will show up there. Under Doll Collectors Anonymous you should see a green plus sign and link for NEW POST. Click that and you are good to go. You can do the same thing from the page, IF you are logged in, there will be a link in the upper right for New Post next to your email address.
I think Marion's comments ARE coming from email, through the google group because she replied to that, at least once - that's why she didn't see the photo. She can comment directly from the blog, but has to be an author if she wants to create a whole new post. I didn't think she wanted that since she doesn't maintain a page on Yahoo but prefers to comment. Of course she is more than welcome to author also.
I know it's a little confusing right now like anything else it's new and takes some getting used to.
I'm sending this to your email also.

Diane said...

Hey Yvonne it worked like a charm!

JFMDolton said...

Perhaps we should make all members authors Diane, then they can post at will and even add pictures if they so wish.

mahvn said...

Trying this again. I don't even show up as a member here even though I joined yesterday. This is a test to see if it shows up this time.

Are there 2 groups, one for Diane and one for Jane? I have 2 entries on the old blog site (yahoo) but Jane's is the same as Diane's.

Sorry to be such a pain but this is not working for me! HELP! LOL

mahvn said...

Well, that post showed up! Amazing!

JFMDolton said...

Yep I see your posts now Marion.