Friday, September 21, 2007


Well today I finally went to Samko. Man it is just too close to me LOL
Anyway the place is much bigger than before and excellent parking facilities too. Downtown Toronto was a royal pain in the butt for that!
I didn't buy a whole lot since the Mattel stuff was mediocore (sp) but that is mattel's fault not Samko's. Still the Legola Kens were only $10 so of course I bought one . I was thinking of buying a whole bunch at price and selling them on ebay. What do you think?
They had a ton of Kelly's, which I bought for Anita in Sweden, since she collects them. And a few Tommy's, which even I had to have for myself LOL
The doll clothing was on sale, although again not a lot to chose from. I also picked up this neat new version of McDonald's to put in Lofton.
I will not doubt go back again to see if the stock has changed any. But most of the stuff was for little kids and babies. That seems to be the trend everywhere today. Oh well those babies will eventually grow up and become kids and once again the toy manufacturers will have to supply them with "our" kinds of toys eh!
Oh and one more thing, Samko is going to open in May and June, so I am definately looking forward to that!


Diane said...

Oh boy another Legolas! Lucky you!!
Nice outfits too, you did good! :)

max said...

Looks like you found some great stuff. I love legolas. I have 3 of him. If you do get any more, let me know. I'd be interested in getting another one for $10!