Friday, November 30, 2007
Riley and Friends
The toy fairy came by yesterday and dropped off 3 cute little ponies for my Riley/Kish dolls to play with. They are Grand Champions: Sunny (Arabian), Rusy (westphalian) and Sandy (mustang).
TuMani news
What! Another Shopping Spree!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Latest Poncho Fashion Show
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
See Ya!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
After purchasing some doll clothing and wigs from an elderly couple who are at every show, I started on aisles. Lots of cars, star wars stuff and really old antique junk that didn't interest me. But in the distance I started to see pink boxes, oh I knew what was coming. I took my time and....
Check the Dolton Blog to see what I got!
Hint: Dolton and Silkendale both got population increases!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Yep Another Shopping Spree
Friday, November 23, 2007
New Dolls Coming Out
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Population Increase Again
I'll have pix of the goodies on the Dolton blog, shortly. See you there.
udate from TuMani
This is a picture of Mitzi laying on Jaime's back. She weighs about three pounds(maybe) The other kitties have accepted her. Diannah adopted her the minute she saw her which surprised us cause Diannah is sort of a bully with her brothers. Her brothers and mother love Mitzi too. Ed has taken up with her and so has Asuka---Pedro and Cassie are a little jealous but I have seen them groom her and play with her so there is no hissing except for Piper who just wants to be left alone in her laundry room. I think Piper was mistreated befor she came to live with us. She is getting more social but it may take months for her to feel like exploring the entire house.
Monday was our wedding anniversary--thirty five years. Where has all the time gone? I can't believe that Meg is going to be sixteen in January. So far she has no interest in learning to drive---doesn't sound like a typical teenager maybe I better check that birth certificate again :)
I have been thinking about making a TuMani blog but am undecided--what do you think?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Still Saturday Here
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just a Note
Hope this helps.
Package arrived today!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What it's Saturday Already!!!
I hope you have all enjoyed your day in Lofton! It's been an eventful one hasn't it!
At the Newsstand
Part 3 of the Lofton Mall
Pssst! Did you Hear the News?
Peaking! Ah it's only his feet!
Gasp! He's sooooo cute!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Do You Know Her?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
New Marsha Hunt Doll
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dusting Tip
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hmmm Mauve!
In the background of the second picture, you can see Marilyn (Gene in navy gown) looking rather envious and probably wishing she too had a sweater to wear. Hmmm, oh Karen!!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Seen Posted
NOTE: This is a fictional yard sale for the Doltonites.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Keeping Jack
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
More Ponchos, this time for Dusty doll
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Busy Day
Busy busy busy at work. Jackpots are high again, not because of no winners, there are. But a couple of times during the year the Lottery Commission adds extra money from winnings that have never been claimed, for whatever reason. If you win the lottery here in Canada, you have a year to claim it, otherwise it goes back into the pot. So each week now the jackpot has been 20 million and growing. It's $35 million tomorrow! I may have to buy a ticket LOL
Also today, two packages arrived with sweaters that I have won on ebay. Two for my Venetian gals, one for a Ken and a coat/dress/sweater for a Barbie. Later this week I will get the residents dressed in their new attire.
It's much cooler here but still my kind of weather. I am one of those menopausal women still running around without a coat, while the rest of humanity are bundled up in parkas and scarves! Gee whiz it's not really that cold out. But the wind makes it feel that way. At least I have resigned myself to wearing shoes and socks, up til Sunday I was still in my flip flops LOL
As I mentioned it is really busy at work and so I am working every second evening now. And most likely will be until xmas. Still crocheting like mad when I am home as I am making (and hopefully finishing) all the xmas gifts this year. Well it's a plan anyway LOL
Anita wrote from Sweden and she now has 5" of snow on the ground. So I guess winter is there to stay now. Out in western Canada they got some snow too (Alberta) so I guess it's coming this way eventually.
If I have some time I will post on the Health Blog later, check just in case. But tonight is my big TV night as I have shows running back to back right through from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m. If I can last that long! Writer's strike south of the border won't affect my shows as they are all Canadian made. Plus there is always hockey if I am tv desperate LOL
Well I'm off to start supper. Going to make those chicken fingers again, that I posted on Diane's recipe blog, last month. They turned out pretty good last time even Jack liked them. He's not one to eat that kind of food. But I am always looking for something different to do with chicken! Instead of bread crumbs though I am using crotons laced in garlic.
Anyway hope you all are doing well out there. Oh Max, I finished your items. Do you want a pic before I package them up? LMK okay.
Catch you all later, or tomorrow.
Jaime has new job
We had storms pass through last night and there is a cold front on the way for tonight so I guess the growing season is over---I can put up the lawn mowers until spring :)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
New (Temporary) Set up in the Heights
It's cool here today, my kind of weather. But....the weatherman predicts snow by the end of the week! I doubt it will stay if it even comes at all! Probably just snow showers, enough to make driving hazerdous.
Been really busy at work, crazy actually cos the jackpots for all the lotteries are high and xmas shopping is upon us! I'll be working 3 nights this week. Dolly Money *grin*
Hope you all are having a good weekend!