Friday, November 30, 2007

TuMani news

Queenie and Wolfie have new neighbors---Snoopy and the Peanut gang have moved next door. Last Saturday when Jaime and I took off trash there was an almost new filing cabinet at the dump and it insisted that it come home with us. It has been sitting in the garage and this morning I inched the table with Queenie and Wolfie's house over enough to get it to sit beside it. I was able to get all the stray spray gathered up and put in the bottom drawer and the grass clippers and hedge clippers in the top drawer. If you look closely you will see a couple of dogs from Family Guy visiting as well as my very old dress me doll---she is wearing the yellow gingham bonnet and dress. When I was moving the table with the large house over I was lazy and didn't take all the dolls off it or unload the table and of course the dolls fell over---boy did that tick them off. I told Meg they were turning the air blue out in the front---said something about they knew there were earthquakes in California but thought they were safe in Tennessee :)

1 comment:

JFMDolton said...

I often try to move items with residents still sitting on them too Yvonne. It always ends in disaster LOL