Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jaime has new job

Jaime has a new job---after being out of work for exactly two months and beginning to droop around the house she is now employed full time. It is really funny (make that strange) the way it happened. She had responded to dozens of online applications through both Career Builder and Monster and was contacted by a temp service called Woods Temporary Service. They sent her to interview with Enterprise (yep the car company) they told her to dress business casual---she went business casual --dress pants, jacket and knitted blouse---seems their idea of business casual is to have their business jackets off---she said it looked like everyone was just getting ready to go or coming back from a funeral. Then they (Woods) called her the next week and offered her a telemarketing job----we hate telemarketing so why would we do that to someone else ???? She emailed some friends she had worked with at Pinnacle and told them the work search was not going well and she was looking for a receptionist job and whether it was in construction she didn't care. All day long on Tuesday we were working with Meg's computer and the email wasn't opened. About eight that night we got through and ran the email and their was one from one of the girls she had worked with that has a job at another construction company needing help. Seems the dog jumped out of the SUV and took off in one direction and her boyfriend's leg took off in another and he broke both bones in that leg and had to have surgery and she was out of work all week with him. Her boss had told her the Friday before the bone break incident that she could hire a receptionist and someone to help her file---they had been hiring temps and seems these girls did not have any idea of how the alphabet worked---in other words the files were in a mess. Seems Katie needed someone to fill in for her the remainder of the week---Jaime said she could do that cause it wouldn't be enough money to mess up her unemployment benefits so she went in for Katie on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Friday morning the boss asked Jaime if she would like to work with them -----he called her references and had her take some personality tests----we were concerned about them but she came through with flying colors. He called her the following Monday and told her to come in on Tuesday. After they talked about her salary he asked her if she could start that afternoon and she told him she had brought her lunch with her so she started full time last Tuesday at ten . She will be making a little less than she was at her last job---but her drive is only twenty minutes from home and she works from eight until four thirty and the people have personalities. She is allowed to wear jeans (as long as they have no holes ) and sneakers if she wants to. We went out and bought some black jeans and one pair of dark blue this past weekend. We are planning a polyester dress pants burning :) The only thing she can't wear is tee shirts but she can wear her cute tees on the weekends.
We had storms pass through last night and there is a cold front on the way for tonight so I guess the growing season is over---I can put up the lawn mowers until spring :)

1 comment:

Diane said...

That's wonderful news Yvonne! Congrats to Jaime!